Showing posts with label Amazing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazing. Show all posts

Discover 5 Amazing Tips To Living in The Moment

Do you want to lead a happy and worry free life then it is very important cultivate the habit of mindfulness. A person is most productive when he is mindful. Being mindful can help you enjoy your life to the fullest. A mindful person enjoys his relationships, work and even food. In this article you will find 5 amazing tips which will help you in being more mindful in life.

1. Do one Task at a Time

Always try to perform a single task at hand. Nowadays multitasking is being advertised everywhere. But the habit of multitasking not only decreases your productivity but also causes stress, worry and anxiety.

2. Perform your Task Slowly and Carefully

Doing one task at a time is one thing but doing it slowly and carefully is also an art. It is a smart idea to take your time and move slowly. Don`t ever rush to complete your task at hand. Being focused takes practice but the results are incredible.

3. Put Most Important Things on your Priority List

It is not a good idea to make lots of commitments. If an individual does less things in a day he can do them with more concentration. Note down two most important tasks which you need to complete in one day. These two tasks should be completed with the utmost care and concentration.

4. Take Breaks in-between the Tasks

Manage your time in such a way that you have enough time to complete each task at hand. You should never schedule two things close to each other. Always plan a short break in between two tasks this will give you enough time to relax and to be prepared for the next task.

5. Don`t Be Worried About Your Future, Focus on your Present

Try to be more aware of your present surroundings. This will certainly help you to focus on the present things. Whenever you find yourself worrying about the future, try to bring yourself back and concentrate on the task you are doing.

If you really want to get rid of stress, anxiety and worry then being mindful is one of the most important things you need to practice. There are many steps which should be taken to learn the art of living in the moment but above mentioned tips if followed properly can give you a boost on the path of being more mindful.

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Anger Management - 5 Amazing Tips for Managing Anger at Work

Do you get angry at work? What are the situations that push your buttons and make you behave atrociously at work? Well, every person is different. What may be a trigger for you may not be so for the next person. However, anger management at the workplace is very important. Why? Because your boss may replace you if can not keep your anger in control. So for your sanity and job protection, read 5 amazing tips for managing anger while you are at work.

1. Own Your Anger

Owning your anger when you are at work may seem like an easy thing to do, but it is not so. Blaming other people for your anger may be easier, but the trouble with it is that nothing gets solved. When you start taking responsibility for your anger, you give way to understanding why those emotions surfaced in the first place. When you start asking questions to yourself about why a particular outburst happened, you can manage your emotions better.

2. Don`t be Judgmental while Sharing your Perceptions

The truth is that in a workplace there are some things that cannot or should not be done. For instance, shouting and swearing at your co-worker. Since you cannot do that, share your perceptions in a non-judgmental way. State clearly what you think is the problem instead of saying things like ''How could you have done this?'' or ''You are to blame for this mess.'' Using 'I'' or ''Me'' in your sentences is also a good idea while doing this.

3. Ask Questions

When you are feeling that a bout of anger for a colleague's work is about to surface, ask questions. When you ask questions, you have a better idea on what exactly the case is and what led to the situation at hand. Asking questions will also ensure that you dig deeper and in all probability solve the problem at hand instead of causing an angry outburst. While asking questions, keep your tone level and non-defensive.

4. Make Your Expectations Clear to your Coworkers

If you are regularly disappointed by people at work for delivering lesser than your expectations, it may be a good idea to state what those expectations were clearly in the first place. If you have trouble getting your message across verbally, write it down in email or a note and make sure that the concerned co-worker gets it.

5. Apologize if you are Wrong

The apology is not something everyone can do. If you think you have done something wrong, instead of being angry and arrogant about it, own up to your mistakes and apologize. An apology will go a long way in keeping anger at bay.

Being angry is easy but controlling it does need some effort. I would recommend you to start with above mentioned tips and you will certainly see some amazing results.

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5 Amazing Tips for Being Motivated Every Day

Staying motivated is something that can be a struggle for most people. It can be tough being motivated enough every day in the face of overwhelming feelings of guilt, lethargy and negativity most people feel. But it is not impossible. Following are 5 amazing tips for being motivated every day.

1. Boost Your Confidence

Perhaps the reason most people lose motivation is because of a lack of confidence. When you are focused on what is wrong with your situation in life, you give way to a spiral of negative thoughts. Past mistakes and failures come to mind and in no time, your confidence reaches its ebb. To make sure this does not happen time and again; focus on how you can solve a problem. For instance, if you have been sacked from your job, think about the things you could do to get a new job instead of spending time worrying about how you are going to pay the bills.

2. Have Goals in Life

Unless you have tangible goals, you are not going to be motivated. A goal can be as simple as making time to read a new book by your favorite author or something as complex as finding a job that pays more. When you have goals in your mind, you will feel motivated to achieve them.

3. Develop Direction

Once you have drawn up your goals for say, the next one year, you can set a direction to achieve them. Motivated people are those who have goals and a plan to achieve their goals. Take out time to find out what things you can do every day that will help you go closer to your goal. In fact, writing down is a wonderful way of giving yourself a blueprint of action. You don't have to worry about not getting motivated once you have a plan of action.

4. Achieve Your Goals

Deciding on goals and drawing up a plan of execution was the easy part. The most important thing next is to actually do it. Think about all that you have to achieve and set about doing the things. However, on days you feel unmotivated and not able to concentrate on the task at hand, give yourself a break. Everyone needs a break and so do you, right?

5. Surround Yourself with People Who Love You

Studies have shown that when you have people in your life who love you and care about you, you are going to be motivated by their positive energy. Enjoy time spent with family and friends whenever you can.

The secret of motivation every day is simple. There is no mystery attached to it. Follow the five tips above and enjoy a fuller life every day.

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