Showing posts with label Living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Living. Show all posts

Discover 5 Amazing Tips To Living in The Moment

Do you want to lead a happy and worry free life then it is very important cultivate the habit of mindfulness. A person is most productive when he is mindful. Being mindful can help you enjoy your life to the fullest. A mindful person enjoys his relationships, work and even food. In this article you will find 5 amazing tips which will help you in being more mindful in life.

1. Do one Task at a Time

Always try to perform a single task at hand. Nowadays multitasking is being advertised everywhere. But the habit of multitasking not only decreases your productivity but also causes stress, worry and anxiety.

2. Perform your Task Slowly and Carefully

Doing one task at a time is one thing but doing it slowly and carefully is also an art. It is a smart idea to take your time and move slowly. Don`t ever rush to complete your task at hand. Being focused takes practice but the results are incredible.

3. Put Most Important Things on your Priority List

It is not a good idea to make lots of commitments. If an individual does less things in a day he can do them with more concentration. Note down two most important tasks which you need to complete in one day. These two tasks should be completed with the utmost care and concentration.

4. Take Breaks in-between the Tasks

Manage your time in such a way that you have enough time to complete each task at hand. You should never schedule two things close to each other. Always plan a short break in between two tasks this will give you enough time to relax and to be prepared for the next task.

5. Don`t Be Worried About Your Future, Focus on your Present

Try to be more aware of your present surroundings. This will certainly help you to focus on the present things. Whenever you find yourself worrying about the future, try to bring yourself back and concentrate on the task you are doing.

If you really want to get rid of stress, anxiety and worry then being mindful is one of the most important things you need to practice. There are many steps which should be taken to learn the art of living in the moment but above mentioned tips if followed properly can give you a boost on the path of being more mindful.

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10 Steps To Living An Authentic Life

Living life authentically is so important to being happy and content with who you are. You have the opportunity in life to create a path that is true to yourself and your visions and values. There are ten steps that I have found that can help you realize an authentic life.

Be true to yourself - Liberate yourself from the internal generated pressure to so the things we should do and instead focus on the things that is priorities because we value them

Evaluate Change - Change can be scary and it is in our natural to resist change. When we approach change with fear and what we will lose we can justify and rationalize our current behavior to avoid changing. We naturally want the place that was comfortable and familiar. When we are looking at change in our lives we need to remember what we stand to gain, what will be lost it we remain in the current state.

Choose a career path that fits your personal values and goals - Reflecting and choosing a career path that aligns with your values and goals creates a foundation for happiness and effectiveness. This does require thinking about these goals and could mean realigning your life to be in a career that is aligned with your values and goals. Change is good if it takes you on the path to contentment.

Honor yourself for who you are strengths and weakness alike - Your strengths and weakness make up who you are as a person. Being aware of these and appreciating ourselves for these is important to finding your real self. If you love, honor and tolerate yourself, you will be more tolerant of others. You will be able to handle stress easier and will be able to resolve problems better. Honoring yourself means you do not need to struggle for others approval. When you let go of the shoulds and accept who you are you gain control of your life.

Seek Progress, Not Perfection - How you conduct yourself on the journey of life is truly your decision. It is not defined only by your success but also by your failures. Our journey to learn and develop must include both wins and losses', learning is about making mistakes and forgiving ourselves for these mistakes, learning from them and moving towards our goals. When we were toddlers we fell many times before mastering the art of walking. Give yourself a break and realize that you are not perfect.

Welcome Mistakes and Failures as Opportunities - Failure is important in in giving us data. We can learn from what went wrong, move on and prevent it from happening again. This does take looking back and evaluating failures to see what the lesson learned was and then looking for solutions for preventing this in the future. The important part about mistakes and failures is that we need to look, learn and then move one and forgive ourselves for not being perfect.

Live Everyday consistent with your values and visions - None us know what will happen to us tomorrow so it is important to live every day in a life that reflects our values and visions. Living life in your terms can create an environment that makes life a wonderful place to be. This could mean that you have put off traveling for years and it has been your vision to travel. Now is the time to start making that happen. You may want to go back to school the choice to do this is your but today is as good a day as any to start the process.

Be Open to Spontaneity and unforeseen opportunity - Trying to control every aspect of your life can get exhausting. Living your life aligned with your visions and values does not mean that every move will be planned out precisely but that you are living life based on these and are flexible in creating the future. Spontaneity can give you a great sense of freedom and joy. If your plans are too rigid it can create unnecessary pressures and stress, preventing you from looking at unforeseen opportunities. It's important to have unstructured time and preserve some freedoms in your life. Uncertainty may feel uncomfortable but can be the gateway to growth and development.

Have a Support System - Your relationship should be ones that support you as a person. Creating a circle of people that accept you and love you for who you are is important to growth. If you do not have this support system find one or two. Coaching can help to keep you on track to realize your goals and aspirations. The key is to have people that support you and can help you see the clear picture for you. A support system encourages, challenges and supports you to make decisions that are right for you.

Realize You Always Have A Choice - It is important to take responsibility for yourself and recognize that you are always making choices, even when you tell yourself you are being pressured or forced by outside influences. Make deliberate choices, act on the basis of judgment rather than habit or assumption.

The choice is yours to live your life by others visions and values or chose a life that is authentic to you. We are all individuals and with this come the choice to live according to what will create the environment for happiness for us as individuals. This comes from understanding and marching to our own drummer. The choice is yours.

Susan Hagen is a Transformational Coach that teaches these and other techniques to reach your goals in life. Connect through E Mind Design to find out more about transforming your life!transformational-coaching/c18jm

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The Hummingbird Who Forgot How To Sing! A Lesson on Living In Purpose

What would happen if you found a hummingbird that didn't sing? Don't you think it would be odd, a beautiful bird that was known for singing, and yet it just didn't sing? I am sure you would look at that bird and think it was odd, or like something was wrong with it because the hummingbird is supposed to sing.

When we know the role that people are supposed to play, it becomes clear very quickly when something isn't the way it is supposed to be. We identify that something is not quite right, and we figure out how to remedy the situation. When someone is not clear about the role that they play, or when their purpose is not clear, things are way more difficult. When you aren't clear about your purpose it is easy not to ask the important questions you need to ask to figure out what you should be doing. You begin to decide what you should do next by the invitations you receive or by volunteering or doing those things you have mastered instead of the things you enjoy. For instance, you are an amazing accountant, you are good at it, but you don't love it, it's just something you do well. But, whenever that accounting slot opens up you jump right in, but that's not where you should be because that is not what you are passionate about.

When you live a life out of obligation, it is not only frustrating, it is also draining. There are people in this world who spend their entire lives without ever discovering their passion. That is not only sad, but it also means that each of us was cheated out of what that person was responsible for delivering to this world. One more person whose gifts were never realized and whose gift we never had the chance to experience, the invention the never was the book that was never written, the technological advance that we never got to see, and the medical advancement or cure for the disease that so many people desperately need.

It's the end of 2012, and it is the great time for assessments and reflections. How are you doing, really? Is that job rewarding, or is it just paying the bills? Are you ready to figure out what is next, or will you keep just moving along?

Yesterday I ran into an old client whom I worked with over 6 years ago. I was just starting, and I was pretty "green". They didn't remember me, but I remembered their faces as soon as I saw them. I asked how they were doing, and the glee and happiness on my face when I heard how well they were doing was palatable. A success story, not mine but theirs and that made me happy. My work is never about me, it's always about them. When they succeed, I succeed, Mission Accomplished!

What makes you smile, and when you look over your life what do you do that goes BEYOND you? The gift that was deposited in you is supposed to come out, not eventually or when it is convenient, but now! Our days are numbered, and our steps are ordered by the Lord, but we have to make the decision to pursue our passions and do what we have to in order make our lives what they were always meant to be, full of passion and purpose. You could make a million dollars, and create amazing masterpieces with your talent. If you never walk in your purpose none of that will matter, and you will reach the end of your life with tons of stuff and no fulfillment. Take some time this year and think about your life, evaluate it, know that you don't ever have to stay on a dead end road. There are always options you just have to be willing to exercise them!

Aida Ingram, is the CEO of An Inspired You, an author, marketing strategist, and Business and Life Coach. She believes people should LIVE their legacy. She teaches people how to create lives, which honor their values,gifts and abilities, while creating wealth. She specializes in business development, marketing, and bringing creative ideas to market. Visit her website: and look on Facebook at An Inspired You. Join her mailing list for valuable tips.

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