Showing posts with label Enjoying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enjoying. Show all posts

Truly Enjoying Safe Identity

"Attachment is the great fabricator of allusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached."
~Simone Weil (1909-1943)

This article presents a simple idea: that safe identity - true peace of soul - is only obtainable when we reach a sufficient level of detachment from fear. Only in becoming detached from our fear can we go on to truly enjoy the wondrousness of reality. And this is what life - the abundant, eternal life of Jesus - is all about: living reality such that we are wedded to truth despite its personal costs.

It's a courageous life.

Before we can venture on in the study of safe identity - detachment from fear - which leads to the capacity to live in reality, we need to explore fear.


There are two sources of fear: fear of intimacy and fear of being abandoned (or of being dismissed). This is really an exposé of Attachment Theory 101. Its thesis is very simple:

If we're attached to intimacy, we fear being dismissed. If, on the other hand, we're attached to being dismissive, we fear intimacy. Most of us have a blend of both, but typically one more than the other.

So our core fears surround two things: a fear of intimacy and/or the fear of abandonment.

We can liken the goal of reconciling these two sources of fear to leaving home without concern and returning home with gladness. Both leaving home and returning home are hence safe ideas.


Fear is the thing the blocks clear passage to safe identity - that sense-of-self which can enjoy peace, have access to joy, that thrives on hope, and is able to love.

In living the Fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) we have wrangled with our fear and reconciled ourselves to sufficient control - with God's abiding help - over it. This is achievable, but only within the context of dealing with our twofold fear of intimacy and of being rejected.

It is common to fear one more than the other. If we are particularly anxious by nature we fear being dismissed (the fear of abandonment), but if we are perhaps considered aloof (unapproachable or standoffish) we fear intimacy.

Unblocking the passage to safe identity is becoming aware what we fear most and finding ways to reconcile our fears.

When we fear abandonment (being rejected) our challenge is to reconcile ourselves to the truth when it does appear we are being rejected, when in fact we may not be. We are sensitive to rejection and perhaps oversensitive. Our opportunity is to become less sensitive; to enjoy more distance without its presenting anxiety.

When we fear intimacy our challenge is to desire relationships and to get intentionally closer to people more. The opportunity is to take risks in getting closer to people and situations, without fear that we will lose our autonomous control.


Enjoying safe identity - the peace of soul and safe-sense-of-self - is about enjoying reality unencumbered by fear. Two fears need to be challenged: the fear of intimacy and the fear for abandonment. We are challenged more by one than the other.

Enjoying safe identity is truly about harnessing our fears of intimacy and abandonment. When we enjoy close relationships and don't feel prone to being rejected by those relationships, safe identity is ours at last.

© 2013 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner and holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and

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4 Ways to Control Thoughts That Can Cause Worry and Rob You of Enjoying Life

It is a common misconception that controlling one's thoughts must have religious and spiritual implications. Well, that is not true. Controlling one's thoughts can actually have daily and very practical implications and a person who is not religious or spiritual at all can also be benefited from it. For example, it is easy being worried about things in your life such as work or kids. You may find it difficult to give your best every day of your life because of the worries and tensions creeping up on you. Controlling your thoughts can help you lead a fuller life while getting rid of worry and stress.

Here are 4 ways to help you do it in your day-to-day life.

Spend 5 minutes each day being aware of your thoughts

This is something that will help you focus on being aware of your thoughts. When you do this for a particular time period every day, you give yourself the opportunity of sitting down with your thoughts but not doing anything about them. Being aware is one of the toughest things the mind can do so it may take a little practice for you to do it properly.

Break the cycle of worry-creating thoughts

The reason why you worry so much is because you are in a cycle of negative thoughts. To break the cycle of worry-creating thoughts, you have to be aware of the thoughts and stop yourself from thinking them. This may mean that you say 'Stop!' to yourself whenever you feel such thoughts coming into your mind. Breaking the cycle will make it difficult for such thoughts to develop again.

Think positively

Your mind does not like vacuum. That is why it is so difficult to practice meditation techniques which ask you to free your mind of all thoughts. However, when you fill your mind with positive thoughts, the negative and worry-creating thoughts don't have the space to enter it. Practice contradicting a negative thought with a positive thought every time you feel the former developing in your mind.

Acknowledge that not all your negative thoughts will come to existence

Yes, what you think about all day are just your perceptions and not all of them are true. It is easy getting worried about what may happen at work or how bad your family members are or what your best friend is thinking about you because you forgot her birthday. However, the truth is that most of these thoughts are creations of your mind and little else. They are not actually 'true'. When you realize that the majority of your thoughts are not true, you will dissolve a lot of your worries.

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