The Power of Visualization - 3 Strategies to Turn What You Visualize Into Reality

An Ice Cream Sundae With Anchovies

As you read this vivid description of an ice cream sundae visualize, in your mind's eye, every tasty morsel, right down to the very last detail.

Start with a large scoop (or two) of the best, homemade, rich, creamy, sweet, ice cream. Ladle on delicious hot fudge, or caramel, maybe strawberry, and then sprinkle on nuts, or candy pieces, or maybe chunks of moist brownie. You choose. Next, add a mountain of smooth whipped cream. And now for the piece de resistance. You guessed it-Anchovies!

If you have a vivid imagination, you had no trouble visualizing this sweet, delectable treat. Even if your powers of imagination are limited or stymied, you still were able to imagine an ice cream sundae with fish on top. If you can imagine that, see it clearly in your mind's eye, even taste this concoction of conflicting tastes, you have the power within you to visualize and imagine anything and everything you want in your life.

Tip #1 - Make It Real

When you see something clearly in your mind's eye, it has the potential to become real. It creates a belief that allows for the vision to go from abstract to concrete, from a dream to a goal, and from a goal to achievement, success and joy. What you see or imagine must be vivid, precise, detailed and exactly what you want to achieve, receive, and believe. Add as much detail as you can, include everything from the size, the shape, the color, the location, the cost/price, everything. Make it as real as possible.

Tip #2 - Be in the Present

Whatever you are visualizing, intending to manifest in your life, must be seen in your mind in the present tense.You have to see it happening now, see yourself holding it in your hand now, see yourself getting the promotion or the pay raise now, or holding the love of your life in your arms now. If you see things in your future, you have just visualized something beyond your reach. The only tangible thing you have in your life is the now. The future may never come. Now is the key.

Tip #3 - Night and Day

The best way to visualize something into manifestation is to see it constantly, in the morning when you wake, at points throughout your day, and at night before you go to sleep. The good news is that it doesn't have to take every minute of your day. You can bring about change, positive, good change by spending 15-20 seconds thinking about and seeing the change you want and desire. That's all the time it takes but must be done often throughout your day, everyday until your desired outcome is at hand, until you have brought that outcome to fruition simply because you believed in the outcome and literally saw it through to reality.

Follow this tips and you will see your way to more joy, happiness, love, and success in your life.

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The Psychology of Success: Make It Work For You

In every field that we conquer, there is always a psychology of success to achieve your goal. This is the process or method that you can employ to make things or certain endeavor work for you. Every challenge you take in there is always a way of making it a success. You only need to know how to do it or what makes it a success. If you are having a school work where you need to present your project in front of many people, and you need to do it as it will be defining moment for you to pass the subject and graduate. However, let us take for example that you have an issue about stage fright. You are not confident in facing the crowd as you are afraid to make mistakes or get humiliated. In this case, you do not have any option but to conquer your fear. How are you going to do it?

An aspiring manager who needs to submit and present a new design project, so he can fill in the vacancy, but does not have the confidence to be in the crowd or being confronted with a lot of questions as he is scared of not being able to answer it. Since he aspires to fill in the managerial position, he doesn't have any choice but to do it. What is he going to do?

These are the common issues of people who have stage fright or afraid to be in between a group of people. There are always ways, effective ways to conquer and resolve these issues. You cannot run or hide because it is your future that is at stake. You cannot stammer or fail to answer as you will be judged according to your presentation and the way you answer questions. Anxiety is a common issue. It is a normal thing to feel but excess of it will cause your brain to malfunction. You need to cope up with it so you will be able to clear your mind from all doubts and confusion. You can think more and be brighter if your mind is energized. There are ways on how to achieve this and avoid any risk of not achieving your goals.

If you are tasked to present something, you need to be prepared. Preparation is absolutely the key to everything. Normally, the school project is given a week or a month before the time so prepare it before the deadline. Start planning the moment you received the task. This is basically the easiest way to do it. So, the remaining days extra will be used in practicing rather than cramming. When you are fully prepared you are ready for anything. The questions of your teacher will not go anywhere except on the project you have presented so what could go wrong if you have mastered it. Absolutely, nothing can go wrong for a person who is fully prepared.

You need to sound confident and look like you know everything, and you basically know what you are talking about. When you have mastered everything, discussing or presenting it will be easier as you do not have to memorize anything but just share what you have prepared. Most of the time, people will no longer ask but rather be astounded with how great your present your work thus achieving success. Explain things in a simpler way do not use words that even you do not really understand. Be simple and be real and everything will fall into place. You will achieve the success you have always wanted. This is the basic psychology of success.

Click Here to download your FREE "Secrets Of The Subconscious" package. It normally sells for $47 but for a limited time only, you can grab it for free. Unlock the full potential of your mind with this free package at

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The Great News Is I'm Weird - Part 2 of 2

Yesterday's post showed just how weird I am. By the end of today's post, you'll know why being weird is great, and how to embrace your own inner weirdness.

How does the weirdness I told you about yesterday play-out in real life?

Some people look at me blankly when I tell them what I do (helping people who love the sea to upgrade their lives), and say "Wouldn't you be better off getting a job in marine conservation" or "Does anyone else feel like you do about being at the coast?" They don't get it, and that's absolutely fine. They go talk to someone else and enjoy their conversation about their passion, and we're all happy with that outcome.

But the fantastic outcome, is that when I mention it to people who do get it, boy they really get it! We chat for hours and both have a feeling of "I'm OK, you're OK"; we often get all excited talking about the sea, or fish, or diving; and we both go away from with big smiles on our faces, feeling energised.

Now what would have happened if I'd pretended I was different to how I am? I wouldn't have connected to the other off-beat person, and the first person would have unconsciously sensed I wasn't being myself and felt uncomfortable without knowing why.

Multiply that one occasion by several weeks, months, years, or a lifetime. All that time I'd be wasting lots of energy hiding my real self, and I'd be missing out on 1,000s of opportunities to do things I enjoy, to do things I'm good at, to spend time with people who get me, and so on.

What does all this have to do with you?

When you take that plunge and say "Here I am world, take it or leave it", you get to stop wasting your time & energy on things that give you a sinking feeling, and instead spend your time and energy on connecting with people and life choices that do float your boat.

Are there risks in that? Sure. Will you have to deal with change? Yes. Is it going to be uncomfortable or painful? Possibly. But look at the rewards:

greater happiness;

less guilt & loneliness;

more fun;

more energy;

less feeling all at sea;

more external success, as you match what you do with what you love.

Making it real

Looking back over your week, in what situations did you squash your real self to avoid seeming weird, or to fit in?

What would have felt liberating to say or do instead?

How can you connect with people, ideas, or activities that encourage you to express the real you?

Care to share what makes you "weird" in the comments section below, or to email me if you want to keep things confidential? I'd love to hear about the things, ideas, & attitudes that make you wonderfully unique.

Remember, every time you take the step of claiming your you-ness, others appreciate it, and feel able to do the same.

My coaching has helped people: enjoy free-time & family-time despite busy lives; get more customers; be more confident; know their priorities and live by them; deal with stressful life events; earn money doing what they love; bring the sea into their lives; uncover what's been holding them back and stop doing it; and more.

The sea is in all aspects of my life, from my coaching (I help people who love the sea to get the lives and businesses they want); through my spare time (I scuba dive & volunteer); and into my home (I'm sewing, crafting & up-cycling to give my home a beach hut look).

I practise tithing, i.e., giving 10% of my pre-tax income: by donating to marine charities, & via selected pro-bono coaching.

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The Value Of Self Improvement

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
- Mahatma Gandhi

One of my greatest values is to be life long learner. I love to learn and feel that constantly learning new things is an essential and critically important part of life.

As an entrepreneur of a small business, it's part of your "job" to learn various aspects of your business. Even if you delegate or outsource various parts of your business, it's still your responsibility to know how to be an effective and productive entrepreneur that can lead and direct your company toward its overall goals.

Just like everything else in life that you want success in, you have to learn it.

And even if you're life long learner too, there will always be a place of "we don't know what we don't know." The absolute best thing you can do for yourself is to always work on improving something. This could be from a personal perspective or a business perspective. Since you really can't separate personal and business when it comes to who you are fundamentally, whether you take a personal wellness workshop or a professional development workshop, you are still improving the common denominator in both areas,


So you can't go wrong.

Ask yourself some simple questions:
What have I always wanted to know more about?
What area in my business could use improvement?
How can I learn something that can help others?
If money was not a limiting factor, what would I most like to do?
Question four is my favorite because it opens up possibilities that many people have never considered. I come across quite a few people who limit themselves due to finances therefore they end up trying to fit into a mold that isn't their own and they are not as happy as they would like to be. If you find this to be your situation, I would bet you are more capable of fulfilling your dream than you ever thought. So explore it!

Here's my advice:
Spend 30 minutes every day reading about something new you want to learn or improve upon.
Take a self-fulfillment class. (a.k.a. as self-improvement)
Sign up for a workshop or seminar to improve a specific business skill.

Being a life long learner is a good habit to get in to. What you learn is something that no one can ever take away from you and it will benefit you in every aspect of your life. Happy Learning!

Angelina Campos is the founder of Own Your Ambition, formerly Campos Coaching. Known for her amazing insight and natural knack for understanding, she has the unique ability to help others discover and focus on their untapped potential to create otherwise unimaginable success in business. Visit to schedule an appointment with Angelina.

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The Ways Leadership and Motivation Will Improve Productivity

The presence of leadership and motivation in the workplace leads to a major increase in productivity of your workers. At any given time, workers aren't giving 100% of what they're capable of. Even a 5-10% increase in productivity across the board would result in huge profit increases.

Though good natural leaders can be hard to come by, training is available to help develop the traits present in those in leadership positions. The presence of someone who knows not only what is going on at any given time, but who can track what needs to be done next, influences those around them to follow suit.

Of course, there's also the aspect of feeling watched. Humans, by nature, will feel the need to work harder and more efficiently when under supervision from a person they consider to be an authority figure. If the authority figure can lend direction to their projects as well, an increase in productivity is guaranteed almost 100% of the time.

It's important as well to ensure open and honest communication between team leaders and those under their direct and indirect supervision. Employees should feel as though they an approach their superiors with questions without fear of judgement or repercussion. If your workers feel that they know what they're doing in regards to specifics on a given assignment, they will gain confidence in their abilities and the work they produce. This reduces the opportunity and odds of mistakes and increases efficiency for the company as a whole.

The ability for superiors to voice the next steps in the project is also essential. Leadership training can help establish proper ways of communicating assignments to ensure clarity in guidelines. Open communication is the best way you can boost company output. Leaving no stone unturned diminishes the odds of failure and error.

Unmotivated employees are unproductive employees. There are many ways you can help to motivate your staff depending on the results you'd like to see. Positive reinforcement has been proven to be more beneficial to motivation than fear for a number of reasons, the most important of which is trust. An employee who fears for their job will put in just enough effort to not get fired, but an employee who feels they are secure in their job and who has the possibility of reward for good work will put in the extra time to make sure projects are done properly.

If timeliness is the factor you'd like to stress the most to employees, adding an early or on time bonus for completed work will motivate them to schedule their time properly to ensure completion. Similarly, if error-free work is required, competitions for the best client review or least time spent correcting their work will motivate them to not only finish the project with no errors, but to do it to the best of their ability, resulting in better quality work. Naturally, a combination of these rewards will result in not only timely, but high quality output.

Leadership and motivation are essential to the productivity and quality of work produced by a company. Open communication chains and the possibility of a bonus for fast or good work will help to ensure both efficiency and higher productivity. These tactics will result in a bigger return for the company as a whole, benefitting all involved.

Click Here to download your FREE "Life Success Secrets" package. It normally sells for $47 but for a limited time only, you can grab it for free. Discover the secrets to a fuller, richer life with this free package at

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The Factors to Consider When Giving For Charity

Giving is a life principle that will always bear fruit. If you have some extra money, you can choose to be a responsible member of the community by donating to a charity of your choice. This will mean sharing your fortunes with others by offering your support to their causes. Nevertheless, choosing the right group can prove challenging. There are certain pitfalls that need to be avoided when choosing a charitable organization. The factors to consider when giving for charity include:

· Personal experience

Donors choose a charity based on their past and present personal experiences. An illness or other traumatic events that may have arisen may have caused you to go out looking for assistance from a charity. The time arises when you wish to give back to the charity.

· Personal interest

The charitable organization that you get to choose is usually based on your likes and preferences. Therefore, a lover of dogs will usually donate to animal shelters for dogs within their locality while a religious person chooses to donate to their local church.

· Find out about the expenses

A charity may be good as far as you know. However, you might feel cheated if you find out later that most of the donations go out to pay for salaries for top officers and the personnel who called you up to make your contribution. According to expert advice, efficient groups will normally spend a minimum of 65% of the donations to support the causes. The percentage may be lower for charities that are known to support controversial causes including abortion rights. This is attributed to the fact that such groups experience troubles raising money.

· Volunteer

One of the ways of getting information about a charitable organization is to consider volunteering before submitting your donations. Hands-on experience will give you important information pertaining to how well an organization is managed. Furthermore, you get an opportunity to find out how effectively the group is accomplishing its mission. You find out whether the organization's advocacy, services or programs are making a difference. By volunteering your time, participate in a fundraiser or working in the committee you get to find out how effective the organization is.

· Protect yourself

Make sure to protect yourself by avoiding to give out personal or credit card information that is in response to door-to-door, e-mail or phone appeals. The group may be fraudulent. Furthermore, avoid giving cash- it is advisable to mail a cheque to the group.

We provide the best info about charitable giving on For further details, visit the provided links.

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The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air School of Seduction

Have you ever watched those old TV shows back in the 90's and 80's. Well, one of the most popular of them all was "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air." Despite being several years old now, the show still has a lot of fans, particularly among those who were still in their teens when the show was still airing.

One of the most defining characteristics of the show was how Will Smith constantly hit on girls. Like Fonzie from Happy Days, Will Smith was the stereotypical cool guy. These kinds of characters, not only have great pick up lines, they also have the right facial expressions and body language to pull off a unique type of charismatic charm. Even in situations where he seems to get rejected, he still manages to remain at ease with himself.

Obviously, most of the guys we see on TV are over the top and surreal characters, but they can still teach us a thing or two on how to be attractive and assertive men. Most of the protagonists we see on TV, including Will Smith, approach women without even thinking about it. This impulsiveness may not always work, but it can be very attractive once you master it.

In Will Smith's case, he had a very flamboyant charm, somewhat similar to a young boy who will rush to open his presents under a Christmas Tree. In almost every episode, Will Smith expresses his mind spontaneously and without any thought to the consequences. Although this kind of behavior leads to outrageous situations, it's also what makes his character interesting. It's an attitude that simply say, "I won't be ignored."

In various episodes, Will Smith jumps, screams and makes unusual facial expressions, much to the consternation of the supporting characters. From the perspective of the audience, of course, such antics are pure entertainment. You will notice, for example, how some of the girls in the cast can't keep serious expressions, and will literally laugh and smile even when they're not supposed to. When this happens, the cameras immediately go back to Will Smith.

Now, this doesn't mean that you should turn yourself into a clone of Will Smith or even into a clone. What it does mean is that you need to act on your instincts. This is because women enjoy a highly animated personality. So if you want to flirt like an expert, try to unwind a little. Be playful, cheerful and when the opportunity is right, just say the first thing that comes into your head. The results may even surprise you.

Becoming a spontaneous, care free guy takes some practice. It's not something that you can master in one day, and it requires actually talking to women regularly. This may discourage some guys, but you should also remember that being spontaneous is its own reward. It shows that you are assertive, strong and very open about who you are. Most women like these qualities and they will consider you more attractive for it. So remember, be your own Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

By the way, do you want the simple secret for approaching any woman, anywhere and know exactly what to say to get her number?

If so, download my free report here: conversation blueprint report

Or do you want to learn how I use text to attract and seduce beautiful women - and how you can too? If so, read this report here: 7 Deadly Texting Secrets

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Why Procrastination-Dissolving Techniques Fail

I will start by boldly stating I do not believe in procrastination. But to do justice to such a declaration I must first provide some background before explaining my stand on this matter.

A widely recurring phenomenon, procrastination has been researched by both psychologists and physiologists from many angles. It is generally accepted that there are two forms of procrastination: an active one, which involves delaying a task to induce psychological flow and is correlated with thrill-seeking, and a passive one, which is described by the avoidance of disliked tasks, the preference for immediate gratification and indecisiveness.

With regard to psychology, procrastination has often been associated with low self-confidence and an aversion to the task that must be completed. A frequent connection to impulsive behavior has also been observed, although that has only been tied to passive procrastination.

How it translates into our physiology?

It seems that procrastination is a tug of war between two parts of the brain: the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex. The limbic system - the "old mammalian" brain - is involved in feelings of pleasure that are related to our survival, driving us to choose "immediate mood repair, usually at the expense of long-term goals," as Timothy A. Pychyl, PhD, author of The Procrastinator's Digest: A Concise Guide to Solving the Procrastination Puzzle describes. In contrast, the prefrontal cortex is a newer and more advanced part of the brain, which, among others, deals with complex cognitive behavior, planning, and decision making, while also participating in impulse control.

Now from my understanding, what we call procrastination is actually a biological response to a forced inoculation of values that do not belong to us. It is neither a question of our intellect and psyche conspiring against us, nor of our physiology causing our behavior.

Axiology covers this better.

The driving force in our lives is a personal value system in which there is a hierarchy of values that establishes the types of decisions we make, whether they be conscious or unconscious ones. These values are individual and they filter our reality through our senses. This is why your reality never seems to be the same as your parents', your partner's, your friends'. It is why we judge other people. Why we "procrastinate". Moreover, this hierarchy of values describes our telos, what ancient philosophers considered a person's purpose.

It is my view that what we see as procrastination is merely a sign that we are trying to do something we do not value. That for some reason we are trying to live by other people's values. The best solution isn't hunting for techniques and how to's that will not work indefinitely (yet somehow manage to frustrate us further when they do stop working); the best solution is working to understand yourself better.

What are your values?

What is common to the things that make you happiest/proudest/most fulfilled? How do you spend your money/time/energy? What do you think/dream/talk about? What are your short-term/long-term goals? What do you want to experience in your life? How do you want to grow? How do you want to contribute to the world? Among these questions there are recurring themes that reveal your core values, which are the top values you live your life by and make decisions according to. Write down the answers to those questions (about 3-5 answer per question) and filter the results. What you get is what your unconscious mind is guided by.

It was Freud's belief that the unconscious mind has its own agenda. From my research, that agenda is fulfilling one's telos, which is based on our values. Therefore, while our telos is most definitely the architect of our lives, there is a loud/silent builder that dictates the steps towards implementing the blueprint. This builder is either our consciousness or your unconscious mind. Which one of them we let guide us determines whether we live our lives by our highest values consciously or... not. It determines whether we are happy or unhappy with our own decisions and behavior. Because rest assured: no matter what, we live by our highest values.

The bottom line is this: if we follow our own value system consciously, we have Health, Wealth, Fulfillment - the "Riches" envelope Andrew Carnegie was talking about; if, however, we try to live by other people's values, what we get is Frustration, Fear, Disappointment, Doubt, Worries, and... procrastination. In other words: the "Penalties" envelope.

So to my knowledge, procrastination is nothing but a symptom of the failure to analyze ourselves, to find our own values and purpose (telos), the failure to take action towards accomplishing our goals, and the expectation to live by values other than our own.

To rehash:

1. Procrastination is not a fault, but a symptom.

2. Procrastination shows us in what aspects of our life we have inserted values other than our own.

3. To eliminate procrastination we must first know our values. The Delphic maxim "Know thyself" is not mere witticism, you know.

4. We can counter procrastination by analyzing the types of things we usually postpone/avoid, find their common denominator and work diligently to delegate those tasks to other people - who value them, while increasing the number of activities we have value (interest) in to ensure a healthy flow of fulfillment.

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Where Are You Coming From?

In your day-to-day, moment-to-moment life, you operate from only one of two places: fear or love. If you look closely you'll see that your actions have, at their root, some flavor of one or the other of these. There are many flavors of fear: worry, concern, anger, spite, revenge, hatred, jealousy, envy, inferiority, etc. Flavors of love include appreciation, joy, kindness, caring, inspiration, compassion, trust, etc.

Why is this important? Because where you are coming from determines your results and experience in life; the roots drive the fruits. For example, if you act out of fear, more fear is created in the world. If you act out of love, more love is created in the world - YOUR world. Where you are coming from is CRITICAL with respect to what you are creating more of in the world.

Most of the actions we see in the world today are rooted in a fear of some kind; that fear is basically of "something bad happening." The fear causes you to take the action to try to prevent that awful "something" from occurring.

Let's take a simple example: If you fear that someone will disapprove of you if you don't dress and look a certain way, you will dress and look that certain way out of fear of that disapproval. Your experience of being alive is now colored by the avoidance of this fear "of something bad happening" - fear is now running your life, not you. This is very different than dressing and looking the way you want to dress and look with NO FEAR of whether others will approve or disapprove of you. In this way you are coming from love.

In this example, if your actions come from fear, that fear is running your life and "making you" do things you don't want to do. We might look a little closer and see that you don't trust other people, that you believe on some level that other people are mean and judgmental, and that in fact the world is an unfriendly place. That's a whole lot of fear that will be perpetuated BECAUSE that is the root of your action - by succumbing to this fear you AFFIRM the world is this way. You continue to reinforce your belief that you must do something you really don't want to do to avoid the terrible pain and suffering that is sure to befall you.

Now, in our example, when you come from love, you dress in the manner that truly suits YOU. There is great benefit and truth in this: First, you are honoring your true desire for how you want to dress and look in the world. And second, you are honoring the world at large, since you are not pre-judging the world out there as bad and wrong and mean. You are saying to yourself and the world, "It's OK to be me." You are being more loving to the world.

Now it might take some courage to come from love. Can you see that? It's easy to come from fear - since you either close down and protect yourself, thus avoiding others, or you become aggressive and dominate others. This is fight or flight, and neither requires any courage or vulnerability. In our example of choosing to dress in the way that pleases you, you must have courage and be vulnerable since it's possible others will judge and reject you. You must be prepared to once again CHOOSE TO COME FROM LOVE and allow them the freedom of their opinion without you now judging and condemning THEM. Ah, not so easy, right? But this is the practice of coming from love - and it feels SO GOOD TO LIVE THIS WAY, in all areas of life.

Now let's go a little deeper and look at why someone operates from fear or love. What is the source of fear or love? The source of fear is disconnection or separation from Great Spirit, your Higher Self. And the source of love is connection to Great Spirit, your Higher Self. Therefore, the key to coming from love, taking love-based actions, and creating more love in your world and the whole world, is finding your connection, a lasting connection, to Great Spirit.

Much of the world does not have a reliable, consistent, strong connection to the Source of their life: Great Spirit, Universal Intelligence, the Unified Field. They are disconnected and floating about in the deep sea like a ship without a rudder; no wonder they are terrified! When disconnected, life is about survival, about me and mine, about getting things, controlling things, and having some kind of personal pleasurable experiences. This is the root of fear-based actions and the root of "evil" itself: disconnection.

However, if you can get connected to your Higher Self, the Unified Field, to Source, you will experience all the love, trust, power, and joy that you need. And therefore YOU DON'T NEED TO GET IT FROM ANYONE OR ANYTHING IN THE WORLD. You are free! You are free to be your own, loving, awesome self. You are love, and you can choose to love others and the world regardless of how they may be - even, for example, if they negatively judge how you are dressed.

When connected to Source, you automatically come from love, which leads to you to take love-based actions, which creates more love in your world and the world at large. A win-win-win…. Awesome!

Try this:

Are you coming from fear or love? For each action you take over the next 24 hours pause to see where you are coming from. See if you can catch those actions - before you take them - that come from some kind of fear. Celebrate that you noticed a fear-based thought and its potential action, then choose to come from love instead. Ask "What would be a love-based action?" Then take that action and see what happens.

Congratulations - you're one step closer to your mojo!

Roger Kenneth Marsh is a Spiritual Life Coach & creator of the Major Good Mojo System. He has an engineering degree, MBA, is a Certified Life Coach, HeartMath® Provider, and Passion Test® Facilitator. Get his book "NexGen Human" on, and FREE CD "3 Keys to Major Good Mojo" at

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