Showing posts with label Unproductive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unproductive. Show all posts

Worry Can Be Productive - Discover The Difference Between Productive and Unproductive Worry

Everyone of us does have a habit of worrying. There are several situations in everyday life that can leave us stressed and agitated.

Business men are worried about missing their flight or being late for their business meetings. Parents are worried about their kids and their future. Graduates are worried about their career and future. Couples think about their marriages and relationships and so on. People worry about anything and everything.

But is all this worry getting us anywhere? No, not most of them. However, we need to understand the difference between Productive Worry and Unproductive Worry. Identifying what makes up each one of them is important so that you don't get stuck in unproductive worry.

Productive Worry

Worrying can rob you of everything good that life can offer. Too much worrying is never good. But there is a type of worrying that can be good for you. ''Just stop worrying!'' is not a fruitful advice. However, productive worrying can mean that you may become more focused in your life. For example, if you are someone who is always late for appointments, worrying is a good thing to ensure that you make an effort to reach on time. Such type of worrying is beneficial and can lead to a higher level of productivity in the long run. But of course, too much of anything is bad so it is not a good idea to worry too much about anything, even if it seems to be productive.

Unproductive Worry

There are kinds of worries which are unproductive and damaging. For example, you worry about something that may happen in the future which you have no control of. You may be worried about never getting a high-paying job or never getting married to the love of your life. These are the kind of worries which have no basis in reality and are just creations of the mind. There is really no reason you will never get a high-paying job if you work hard and have the necessary degree for it. Again, there is absolutely no reason why you will not get married and live happily ever after. This is the kind of worry you should never indulge in.

How To Distinguish Between Productive and Unproductive Worries?

Though it can be easy to distinguish between right and wrong in your daily life but it can be pretty tough to distinguish between productive and unproductive worry. However, two questions to ask yourself whenever you are faced with a nagging worry are:

1. Will the most reasonable person I know worries about something similar?

2. Is there anything I can do which will decrease my worry?

If the answer is yes to both these questions, then you have what is called a Productive Worry. If not, you can just stop indulging in the negative thoughts.

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