Showing posts with label Development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Development. Show all posts

Development and Self Determination

For the development of the self, the most important thing that has to be kept in mind is to know one’s own self. Self- awareness, self-determination, self- esteem, self- perception, and self- control when varied with balanced thought and optimistic outlook creates a true definition of self-development. The first step that should be taken to shape up the life is to start accepting your weaknesses. The more you will know about yourself, the more your life will become happier. If you will not know about yourself, you will always be under threat from the external factors. By knowing your vices and virtues, you can develop yourself as you can work on the area where you lack the most. For example, if you make an outline of a painting with a chalk, but do not fill it with attractive colors, your painting will not be a complete and appealing one. Similarly, you can add flavor and color to your life by knowing yourself completely. One should also accept criticism if he or she is at fault. By accepting it, you can know what the areas where you can improve yourself so that others admire and appreciate your potentials.

Moreover, to achieve self development, one should not pay much attention on social notions as they destroys one’s rational faculty and people start believing in them. When people are trapped by these taboos, they often feel guilt and shame and this result in hampering their thought processes. Inner voice can only be heard when our mind is tension-free and we have a peace of mind. Our inner self guides us to take the steps correctly and cautiously so that we can develop ourselves in the proper sense. In addition, if some people are discussing about something that irritates you, try to question your inner self that why their conversation annoyed you. This will help you to realize things that annoys you the most and accordingly, you can make changes to improve your behavior and outlook towards your weaknesses.

Self-esteem is also an important ingredient that helps in pouring confidence and enthusiasm in oneself. If you will be having high self-esteem, you will realize that with the change of time, you have become independent and have gained the power to control your frustration. Moreover, self-esteem helps in controlling your positive and evil emotions so that you can show your weaknesses to the world and at the same time try to overcome with your negative aspects. Willpower and self-determination are important for an entity to develop the self. It keeps you strong and gives you the power to control the emotions and feelings, which results in leading a happy life. If you will always be repenting on your past experiences, you will never become successful in life. You should move ahead in life and forget the sorrowful moments as recalling the bad experiences of the past will act as an obstacle in the development of your personality.

Being fit also aids in shaping the life. Take for instance an example that if a person is lethargic, he or she will always find ways of not doing anything and sitting idle. On the other hand, if you are physically fit, you will automatically have a healthy mind. When a person has a tension-free and happy mind, he can concentrate properly on the weak areas and work on them with a positive and enthusiastic approach.

Last but not the least, it is often observed that people who work for the betterment of the society as a whole lead a happy life. These kinds of people do not complain of what they don’t have in life. Rather, they thank the Almighty for His support and love. The happy people believe in the concept that life is short, it is better to do something good for oneself and for others.

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