Showing posts with label Techniques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Techniques. Show all posts

Why Procrastination-Dissolving Techniques Fail

I will start by boldly stating I do not believe in procrastination. But to do justice to such a declaration I must first provide some background before explaining my stand on this matter.

A widely recurring phenomenon, procrastination has been researched by both psychologists and physiologists from many angles. It is generally accepted that there are two forms of procrastination: an active one, which involves delaying a task to induce psychological flow and is correlated with thrill-seeking, and a passive one, which is described by the avoidance of disliked tasks, the preference for immediate gratification and indecisiveness.

With regard to psychology, procrastination has often been associated with low self-confidence and an aversion to the task that must be completed. A frequent connection to impulsive behavior has also been observed, although that has only been tied to passive procrastination.

How it translates into our physiology?

It seems that procrastination is a tug of war between two parts of the brain: the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex. The limbic system - the "old mammalian" brain - is involved in feelings of pleasure that are related to our survival, driving us to choose "immediate mood repair, usually at the expense of long-term goals," as Timothy A. Pychyl, PhD, author of The Procrastinator's Digest: A Concise Guide to Solving the Procrastination Puzzle describes. In contrast, the prefrontal cortex is a newer and more advanced part of the brain, which, among others, deals with complex cognitive behavior, planning, and decision making, while also participating in impulse control.

Now from my understanding, what we call procrastination is actually a biological response to a forced inoculation of values that do not belong to us. It is neither a question of our intellect and psyche conspiring against us, nor of our physiology causing our behavior.

Axiology covers this better.

The driving force in our lives is a personal value system in which there is a hierarchy of values that establishes the types of decisions we make, whether they be conscious or unconscious ones. These values are individual and they filter our reality through our senses. This is why your reality never seems to be the same as your parents', your partner's, your friends'. It is why we judge other people. Why we "procrastinate". Moreover, this hierarchy of values describes our telos, what ancient philosophers considered a person's purpose.

It is my view that what we see as procrastination is merely a sign that we are trying to do something we do not value. That for some reason we are trying to live by other people's values. The best solution isn't hunting for techniques and how to's that will not work indefinitely (yet somehow manage to frustrate us further when they do stop working); the best solution is working to understand yourself better.

What are your values?

What is common to the things that make you happiest/proudest/most fulfilled? How do you spend your money/time/energy? What do you think/dream/talk about? What are your short-term/long-term goals? What do you want to experience in your life? How do you want to grow? How do you want to contribute to the world? Among these questions there are recurring themes that reveal your core values, which are the top values you live your life by and make decisions according to. Write down the answers to those questions (about 3-5 answer per question) and filter the results. What you get is what your unconscious mind is guided by.

It was Freud's belief that the unconscious mind has its own agenda. From my research, that agenda is fulfilling one's telos, which is based on our values. Therefore, while our telos is most definitely the architect of our lives, there is a loud/silent builder that dictates the steps towards implementing the blueprint. This builder is either our consciousness or your unconscious mind. Which one of them we let guide us determines whether we live our lives by our highest values consciously or... not. It determines whether we are happy or unhappy with our own decisions and behavior. Because rest assured: no matter what, we live by our highest values.

The bottom line is this: if we follow our own value system consciously, we have Health, Wealth, Fulfillment - the "Riches" envelope Andrew Carnegie was talking about; if, however, we try to live by other people's values, what we get is Frustration, Fear, Disappointment, Doubt, Worries, and... procrastination. In other words: the "Penalties" envelope.

So to my knowledge, procrastination is nothing but a symptom of the failure to analyze ourselves, to find our own values and purpose (telos), the failure to take action towards accomplishing our goals, and the expectation to live by values other than our own.

To rehash:

1. Procrastination is not a fault, but a symptom.

2. Procrastination shows us in what aspects of our life we have inserted values other than our own.

3. To eliminate procrastination we must first know our values. The Delphic maxim "Know thyself" is not mere witticism, you know.

4. We can counter procrastination by analyzing the types of things we usually postpone/avoid, find their common denominator and work diligently to delegate those tasks to other people - who value them, while increasing the number of activities we have value (interest) in to ensure a healthy flow of fulfillment.

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Using Mind Science Techniques To Manifest Your Dreams

Using mind science techniques will give actualization to your dreams. If you are going to employ the strategies in this kind of study, there is a great probability that you are going to reach your aspirations. It is systematically forming all the important knowledge and learning you have gained in achieving your goals. You just need to work with your mind so you get its full potential that you can use in realizing your dreams. Motivating your mind influences the way you look at things and decide on some matters. You need to focus on what you want exactly to enable you to work on the path to success.

When you basically know how to formulate processes you are actually providing yourself the techniques in achieving success that you have always wanted. You need to use your mind fully so it will perform perfectly in accordance to what you need. Enhancing your mind is another technique to manifest your dreams. The more your mind is ready and set, the more it can do better thus reaching your dreams. Making you active will also make your mind work and will release the natural chemicals in our body that will produce more wellness to our mind that will keep us wanting more.

Opening your mind to all possibilities and ideas will give you a chance to learn more and have extra knowledge in store so you can use it when the time arises. You may agree or disagree on some things or ideas but acknowledging them will give you more information and knowledge. You will learn better when you are able to accept different types of learning or opinions. In a way, you are going to need them as you go along life's journey in achieving success. Whether you disagree on those things, they can still be very useful in confronting certain circumstances in life that will lead you to your success.

Making your mind process experiences enhance its capabilities in thinking further that is out of the box. You need to know how to control your mind's disposition as whatever you think of will definitely affect the way you look at life. Negativity will always get into our mind, but it is how you are going to push back that makes the difference. Direct your mind to positive things. Do not dwell on the things that you can't do or that is inevitable rather focus on what you can do to rectify the situation. It is easy to say, but it isn't hard to achieve if only you are going to be focused in achieving it.

Mind science allows you to organize properly the way you think. So, it will influence the way you act on things. It is providing series and various techniques to stand up against all the hurdles and fight back to win the battle. The idea is just like that. You shouldn't retreat. You advance so you'll be able to reach your lifelong dream. Just acquire the right kind of attitude and everything will come to an actualization.

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3 Secret Healing Techniques To Unleash Your Mind's Full Potential

The subconscious mind has a lot of power that can influence the way that you think and do things. This is because everything that your subconscious takes in as negative is reflected in your real life as equally negative, talk about pain, frustrations, stress, bad relations and so forth. The best thing is that you could transform such a negatively filled subconscious into your infinite reserve of everything you need in your life by employing subtle healing techniques that will help you to unleash your mind's full potential.

Past research by world's renowned scientist has proved beyond all doubts that your mind and particularly the subconscious mind is the most potent equipment that you would ever need for a health ultimate inner peace and more so, perfect health for your body. The healing technique in your brain, scientists say, goes a long way to healing you all round than even the best medicine and medicinal technologies that have ever been invented.

The best thing about the healing techniques is that they could be easily mastered by everyone who wants to turn their lives around in no time. This is because it does not matter who you are or what you perceive your abilities as being, what you should know is that your body had a self- healing mechanism put in place in your mind before being born, you were born a healer. All there is to be done by you is to learn methods that you will use to take control of your subconscious mind to unleash the full potential of this activity.

Subliminal Technology

What is subliminal technology and why is it very important for everyone? More importantly, can you use it as a self-healing technique? You can but first you need to know what techniques to use to pass those unobvious messages to the subconscious mind. It is almost cultic thinking about subliminal technology, but it really works. Used to assist some self healing technique, this will actually turn your life around. For example, subliminal technology will help you kick dirty habits out of your life.

The 3 Secret Healing Techniques Below Will Unleash Your Mind's Full Potential

Discover your mind's (subconscious) potential- what is it that has troubled you for so long? Do you know that you always have the perfect answer for that particular problem in your mind, only that you really do not exploit all the possibilities in your mind? Many people in the world today are living the lives of their dreams after having discovered and exploited the abilities of their minds. The good thing about these techniques is that they have no detrimental effects to their practitioners. All they do is taking their lives to new levels.

Belief in the potential you have discovered- accepting that you have that ability to move everything to the better in your life is the greatest ability in your life. This will make dealing with even the biggest problems such a breeze, from finance, relationships, heath and so forth.

Make positive affirmations - this healing technique involves the conditioning of your mind with an intense belief in the things that you want to achieve. The things perceived by the subconscious life will be reflected in your real life situation in equal measure, whether positive or negative. Flood your mind with everything that is good and your mind will shift to that same line and you will find the healing techniques very effective.

Click Here to get your Free 'Secret Success Package' and transform your life in amazing ways!

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Techniques for Building Self Determination

Learning how reflection is an approach for building self-determination can help you find ways to improve your life. The process of rumination helps one to think above his or her own individualism and think for the improvement of civilization as a whole. One must assess the three way process that works from beginning to end through self-regulation, self-exploration, self-determination and self-liberation. It helps one to keep a rein on our desires and to improve our strength and intensity to stay focused. By building self-regulation, exploration, determination, and liberation, it gives us the potential by way of several exercises and strengthens our disposition. Building such strengths can direct us toward a spiritual realization in which one can bridge the gap amid one’s real and true being. In addition, by making building self-realization we can recognize our mistakes and weaknesses, which it brings about a conversion in our personality. Building self-determination reveals to us the certainty of life and death and be part of the cause in one’s development of healing the body and mind.

Some of the most popular techniques people have used to develop self-discipline and determination is yoga. Yoga has proven to help with achieving the serenity of mind. It grants access to relaxation and reduces stress, which helps one to prepare for building self-determination and other skills. Self-determination is a system of renovation of our inner self. Each individual has the desire or need to feel competence and related to others. For that reason, if an entity will love the self then, no doubt, he will put forth hard work to convert and develop the self and become a better person.

Another technique people are considering is Reiki. ‘Reiki’ is a method that helps with developing human skills, such as self-determination. An entity can expect with this method the renovation of healing from any diseases whether physical or mental and in that way by its vibes cures an entity and leads to self-determination. In this way, many approaches can help with self-determination. The individual just needs to make efforts to make something happen and to have a willingness to better his or her life. Some people rely on mentors to assist them with build self-determination. Mentors is someone that gives a person sound advice, and will counsel the person if need be. The mentor will offer guiding tools, tutor, and assist the entity with finding the best ways to reform his or her way of thinking to improve their overall life. If you need a mentor you will find plenty of them online.

Some experts believe that motivation or self-determination can become developed outside of the conscious mind. In short, they believe that by exploring all channels of the mind an entity has the capacity to discover ways to build determination and motivation. Motivation and determination however are developed through reason, purpose, stimulus, and drive. When we have incentives it often motivates us to take action. When an entity has purpose, often they find their way in life. For this reason, purpose is the most essential reasoning that we must consider. When you find your purpose, often everything else falls into place. Online you will find valuable information to help you make transformations. When you need support, it is often best to rely on yourself and find information to build your knowledge. Building knowledge will build your determination and much more. This is because when you are well versed it helps you to stay in control and find answers quickly to solve problems. Go online now and find tips, hints, and guides to assist you with making your future much brighter.

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