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10 Essentials of Daily Practice

The air at this time of year is heavy with advice, resolutions, predictions and daily intelligence for how to live a successful life. While I like to reflect, review and reassess at this time of year, I also rebel at resolutions.
I've tried but it's futile. I don't make it through the first day and then I've blown it for the year.

Rather than giving weight to an arbitrary notch in an endless continuum of time, these elements have evolved into my daily practice.

10 essentials of my daily practice

Authenticity. Be who I am; not who I think I should be; or who I think others are looking for. I am the only one here with my message; if I'm to live up to my potential and make a difference, it's important that I deliver it. If I am not being myself, how can anyone recognize me?Courage. Ironically, to be me. I'm no stranger to fear; but I've learned to recognize it's protective role, look beyond the message, and then put one foot in front of the other and do what I'm here to do.Self-care. The parallel to preventative maintenance for my motorcycle. My physical body is my home here on earth. Caring for it with a healthy diet, regular exercise, preferably in nature, and adequate rest honors who I am.Meditation and prayer. This quiet time is how I start every day. Before turning on the radio, checking email or opening any browsers, I pray (talk) and meditate (listen). It keeps me centered, grounded and in touch with who I am and what's important.Forward focus. I can't change the past. I can learn its lessons without getting bogged down in them. Grounded in the power of the present, I keep my eyes on my goals, follow the guidance I receive and apply throttle to maintain momentum. Anything is possible from this point.Say no. To people, things, opportunities that are out of scope or threaten to lead me there. There are many worthy causes and requests for my time, but I must do what only I can do and leave the rest to someone else.Gratitude. For the abundance and gifts that I'm showered with daily, the love that surrounds me in so many people and the magical beauty of nature.Trust. It is not my role to control the world. All I have to do is my part.Compassion. While I may not agree with others' points of view, we are all connected. We are each other's teachers and there are always lessons to learn.Fun! Play. Laugh. Love. Celebrate success. Celebrate friendships. Listen to the child within me and let her play.

Although this list continues to evolve, it works for me. It's easier to catch myself before going too far off track, helps with decision-making and stokes adventure!

How is your list similar? Different?

Wishing you abundance, joy, health and magical days.

Liz Jansen

Liz Jansen is an author, speaker, coach and rider extraordinaire. She's thrilled that her work brings her corporate experience together with her love of adventure.

Her inspirational advice and practical tips,often arise from her two-wheeled adventures. Through her practice, she has served hundreds of clients and her network reaches across Canada, the US and to Europe and Australia.

To learn more about her workshops, purchase Women, Motorcycles and the Road to Empowerment, or to book the author for an interview or speaking engagement, visit

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