"A man is happy so long as he chooses to be happy and nothing can stop him." -Alexander Solzenitsyn
Do you let other people decide what kind of day you're going to have? What I mean by that is do you allow other people's attitude or actions steal away your happiness?
For instance when you're in traffic and someone cuts you off does it tick you off? Does an unfair boss ruin your day? When your partner is miserable, does that mean you will be too? When someone is rude to you do you respond in kind?
The truth is that people who are mad, angry, rude or just plain miserable are really very unhappy on the inside and that's what shows on the outside. These kinds of behaviors have less to do with you and more to do with them. So don't take it personally!
But beware because they'll have a greater impact on you if YOU let them. If you choose to let it get under your skin and ruin your day, then it's them, not you that rules how you feel today. When you think about it, it's as if you're a puppet on a string. They yank your chain and you react the way they want you to.
Or, you can decide long before you encounter these people or situations that no one is going to take away your joy today. Each morning when you wake up, just make a conscious decision that today, no matter what happens you aren't going to let anyone ruin your day.
Sure you can have that instant thought of, "Why I oughta!" But decide upfront that it's not going to last more than that second. Realize that just because someone else is miserable doesn't mean you have to be right along with them.
When you take control of how you're going to feel and you don't let people and things rock your world; your world will rock!
Just try it. Make a decision right now that for the rest of the day it's going to be a great day and no one or nothing is going to change that. Period!
And, if that's too much for you to deal with just break it down into 10 minute increments!! What do you have to lose to give it a try?
You know how they say that life is too short to be miserable. I say life is too long to be miserable. The bottom line is you can decide. You can choose to be in a good mood or a bad mood no matter what comes your way.
Don't get bogged down by the little things, they zap you with negative energy when instead you could zap them with a positive outlook. And, when you consciously plan to not sweat the small stuff life just flows a little bit smoother.
Susan Russo is fast becoming known as a miracle worker in transforming people's lives. She has the ability to turn negative circumstances into life changing opportunities. No matter where you are in life, if you want to change your life, she is the go to coach. To learn more about Susan's products and services go to: Susan's site. And, pick up a copy of her FREE ecourse too!
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